Thursday, February 19, 2009

In other Randomness...

I forgot to mention that my fabulous friends Lauren and Greg came in to town in Jan and pulled us out of the hose for a adult night!! It was a lot of fun with some good tunes !! 
Prince even ..Mercy Keenen and J-Bird were there as well. The boys spin a place a few blocks from here and we finally got out to hang for a while!! While GREAT G'ma did the babysitting! It was awesome to see her light up at the fact she was asked and feeling good enough to do it! It was the cutest thing to come home and see him passed out on the couch spread Eagle like he just ran a marathon. So thank you G'ma and thank you Friends!! Oh yeah and the day before that the Kingston Klan came for a visit! He is so cute and is growing up super fast!They we're alot of fun to hang with and actually came down again last Thursday.We hope to make it a re-occurring thing! So since that.. I think we've just been busy with the house.. Then came my birthday which was pretty un-eventful. We stopped at the Chocolate nugget -on the way to Reno.You know that Candy store on the way in the middle of nowhere? Well it was cool and you should go there too! So anyways we putz around Reno before the highlight of the day.. Which was meeting the Cash-Fam for SUSHI!!THANK YOU CASH FAM!! .And Tristen rather enjoyed the sushi himself.Giving him lil pieces of thing at a time - He held his lil chopstick then all the sudden reached over and stabbed his own sushi  roll!! It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOo funny.The picture is kinda blurry but still Funny.
It was a great time and the boys did good till the end Tristen was actually really Fussy all day though.. To find out  he popped out like 5 teeth in a matter of 2 days. So cant really blame him.I DID however get a Gift card to THE HOME DEPOT from the Gomez's which was pretty f-in fabulous!! Speaking of LORI J GOMEZ had a birthday !! WOOT !! You young-yin you!! Then came Valentines Day which was also pretty uneventful.Except for Tristen and I made a cake  and boy what and event that turned into.We also went into the future new house and painted the bathroom the other day.. that was fun. It looks so much better. We just need to finish it .. So anywho. So from there that brings me to today.. Where hold your mean comments if you please... WE got a dog yesterday!! WTF?!?!?! Your thinking I know.. We've been talking about it - telling ourselves yes then no ..A million reason on both hands.. All the sudden a amazingly cute dog with all the goodies pops up on craigslist for 100 bucks - the crap alone is worth more so we are on it like flies on sh*t . Genius idea let me tell you - He is of course the cutest ugly pug ever and we were sold! Half was home - when we had to stop to get milk - and stop for a potty stop and Tristen freakin cause Oz is my lap- I knew.. WE DUN FUCKED UP! So I tried to contacted the lady today - Got ahold of someone else who wants to by him and now I wait for the mistake to be picked up.. I was hard for only 24 hours Tristen eating dog food -Oz eating al his toys- Them fighting over the toys. Then his momentary spurts of Crack attacks.. yeah Im cool.Whatever Lesson learned.. So I think that all the new news.. We are just waiting to hear back from underwriting.. Hopefully the next post wil be WE ARE MOVING!
OH YEAH I also want to say CONGRATS TO LIL KIM !! She is Preggo!!XOXOX LOVE TO ALL!!!


Cute Jail outfit from G'ma


Hugs for cousin Gage...




Anonymous said...

I am lovin Tristens hair! I love the dog, but good thing you guys didn't have him for hella long. Hm, I guess you are packing up his doggy stuff as I type this. I love you guys!

The Kramer Family said...

I am soo happy that The Ellis 3 has sooo many good people and good things going on in your lives, you are amazing people and i love you all very very much! I hope i get to see you soon! Thank you for the congradulations:-)

Love Always

Unknown said...

You sooo funny! Got a dog, got rid of a dog... its all good... he will be happy with the next family. Angel sorry I missed your bday, your hubby didn't enlighten me on that matter! But I am glad that sushi was fun! I'm keeping fingers crossed that everything goes through on your house soon and that you guys will be homeowners in the near future! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

well hello Ellis 3!! my goodness you guys have been busy!! I miss you guys alot and cant wait to see you Wednesday!! I plan on staying a couple of days so be for ready for Gma. I love the pic of Booger in his jail outfit with the fuzz hair that is so cute!!! I have couple more pursprise for your house and I hope you like them. My biggest hugs to my Daughter Angel who I am so very proud of!! I love you my baby!! Love, Mama

Anonymous said...

I have been blessed with the Ellis 3 as my family, and want to thank them for making my life so much fuller. They have brought so many friends to my heart. we have such a wonderful extended family, that I look forward to thier house warming party to see everyone. I need to tell you about Rich, He has been the most wonderful grand son to me. his love for all of us shines in his beautiful eyes. Angel, one of the highlites of my life. I thank God for the heart and soul of her, and for Lisa letting me share every faucet of her life. Tristan, a gift from God when there is so much pain and sorrow in these years. He makes the world shine, and he is so smart and brave, and makes me remember why I go on living. The Ellis 3 are blessed with each other and may thier love continue to grow and dreams come true. Thank you my 3 for loving me, and making me want to contiue being on this earth.