Monday, October 27, 2008

Short and Sweet

First I want to start with a extra special heart filled 

We have been been able to spend the last couple days with her.Well she is the JeeeenNAY to my Forest.. The Janet to 
my Paula, the Supreme to my Anyways We love her! We had a fabulous lunch for 2 days in a row.. And let me just say the first day I thought I'd get al crazy and drink a cocktail.. A Perfect Strawberry Margarita from Applebee's and Oh My God!! It was SOOO Good! But I tend to forget WHY I don't drink..And about a hour later.... I had a pounding headache forever and went to bed at 7:30.. What a loser huh!!! Anyways That was the extent of my party-ing!! So on her actually birthday we did something a little more mommy-style.Jessica Tristen and I made Cookies!!
 He had a blast.. Then we had some laughs and put him in Daddy's old cowboy 

Anyways I usually go in order but oh well.. Going back to Wednesday The Cash Family came! 

It was too cute cause although it hasn't been a long time since the last visit Tristen couldn't walk and Cash couldn't stand.. So they were all over the place.. Really interacting or should I say fighting over balloons..It was too cute and I cant wait for Halloween!!

 Whatelse.. Tristen Has finally learn to he can touch his head! and he has found his bellybutton! He's so smart = )
  That's all.. 

Sunday, October 19, 2008


 On the last post I wrote about Little Man Walking and since then he's been on a ROLL!!! Its insane but the cutest thing ever!! I wanted to also go back to that because I didn't get a chance to talk about Tio Jason coming. It was SOOOOO nice to see him and spend some time. I'am so proud of him and the man he's become.. aww.. He spent the night and got to be a part of Tristen's big walking night and the next morning took Tristen  shopping! Tio got him some Fubu Kicks, a Mecca Shirt and a Pelle Pelle shirt.LOL. Those not familiar with the brands... um Thug baby! LOL.. But I think its cute and love to watch the pride Jason takes in his nephew. 
So that was October 10 & 11. On the 12th Mom came for a little visit and got to spend time with her little Yoda.. I miss her lots and hate hate hate STILL, that she lives so far!! Monday we did nothing with daddy (and Nina came by) and Tuesday the 3 of us ventured to the library. Not much to say on Wednesday or Thursday.. Friday my mommy friend Ashley came by with Tyler and her husband Matt.It was awesome to see Tristen interact with baby Tyler. However Tristen was quite the show off. Where he had taken steps here and there since his big night, he decide to act as though he'd been walking his whole life that day. But the highlight of our month had to been Saturday
AWW FAMERY and Donkey!
Look baby,Its a Wilbur!!
Momma & Tigger

Wheee.. Gma & Tristen's big ride!

Daddy got off super early so we- along with G'ma- went to the Harvest Festival! There was a petting zoo, Corn field maze, of course a pumpkin patch.

 (lots of other stuff too ) It was indescribable to see the excitement in Tristen's face as it lit up at all the newness of everything around him. Not just that watching G'ma live through it with a child's eyes. AND Not only THAT but to think she was watching her baby's, baby, watch her baby take in the world. WOW. It really is an amazing world we live in.. huh?!?!?

 So we started with the Petting Zoo and it was super cute Tristen's lil brain looked to be churning 10 miles a second!! I got a lil nervous though cause the donkey took a little TOO much interest in Tristen.The first part of the day we had him wearing the lil Tigger costume. And I personally think the donkey thought Tristen was a giant carrot!! . (The costume was given to us by Auntie Cathy,Cousin Jennifer and cousin Timmy,THANK YOU!!!) From there we walked around to all the lil exhibits and then the 3 of walked through the corn field maze, while gma took a rest. After that we finally went to pick out our pumpkins! 

Poor lil Tristen wanted nothing more than to walk walk walk.. and somehow he grew out of his shoes this week that I brought.. lol. So we left him get a lil dirty and walk in his all had a blast! From there we took G'ma to a couple Thrift stores and we of course found something for Tristen.. It was a Elmo of some soft and after the battery battle it came to all our surprise.. ELMO did the HOKEY POKEY!!! Tristen had no idea what to think !! It was sooooooo funny a lil laugh- a lil whine and death grip hug on mommy.. but today a day later he dances to it and its sooooo cute!! Well worth the 2 bucks!!

Our Lil Pumpkin

Last but not least I gave lil man yet another hair He has soooooooooooo much hair. I tried to make it look like daddy's !It will never really stick up like that it was cute for the picture!!

I also want to add Tristen has not only added more words to his vocabulary
 he can now READ 4 words!!Yes I said read!Its been like 2 days straight of  it so I think it safe to say..He can read CAT DOG HI and EYES!! 

I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed this week! I really do love my lil life.. 

Friday, October 10, 2008


So I usually wait a few days between post but today was a BIG day!!! Tristen just started WALKING!! I mean we've got a step here and there and our max. was 4.. They all the sudden it was 12 STEPS!!! He walked to his Tio (who was holding Teddy) !!! And he did it over and over again!! The funny part was once I took the Yoda ears off .. He wasn't balancing as good!!! LOL Its like his Dumbo feather of something!!!           
Aside from that... Like I mentioned earlier Jason came today!! WE missed him a lot!! And I'm glad he got to witness such a event!!!  
O and Tristen and Daddy had a light saber fight!!! 

And lastly ,IT SNOWED TODAY!!! Tristen got to feel and see snow for his first time!! 

WOW!! WHAT A DAY!!  *Yes Im obsessed with the Yoda ears!*

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Buddies Babies and Projects!

Sunday, for the most part was mellow.. Grant came and graced us with his presence.. He took some time away from his hardcore studying..He was only here for a little while but in that time he, Tristen and Daddy did some motorcycle riding and Pool playing. I think Tristen felt like one of the guys lol...  Grant is really good with him= ) I must say...
Later Dad and I made a tombstone !!! Muahahahaha !! I taught Tristen to laugh like that when he see's a skeleton!! lol.It was fun and It was great to have Rich encourage me to do som
e creative stuff .. I'm always afraid I'll mess it up.. And it would just be better (whatever it is) If I let him to it!! But I got to help and I had a great time doing it.. 
Thanks Daddy <3

While Sunday wasn't very eventful for us it was for others!
Congratulations to Stephen and Marie who had baby
                  KINGSTON PAUL!
 Born October 5..At 8lbs 3 oz at 5:20 p.m. He is quite the handsome man!!You guys are going to be great parents!! And if you ever you need anything !! Holla! It's crazy how many people are having babies!! I absolutely love it!! There is nothing
 better than a baby to complete your life ..! My Cousin Megan also had her lil one on October 4th Her name is Abby!! She is beautiful! and you guys couldnt look happier!
O and I just found out a long time friend of mine who
 has been trying to get pregnant for 2 1/2 years is finally Pregnant!! 
She is going to be a wonderful mommy!!
 All my love and Congrats to you Kaleen and Michael!!

Monday we gallivanted around town with Nina Jessica looking for a special Halloween
 decoration to complete our tombstone.. Our hunt was complete, and the adventure quite fun. 
We went all other the flippin place- Just because.. We even stopped at the puppy store to show Tristen all the puppies!! Tristen entertained us by showing the Latin in him. With his cool hat and maraca's!!LOL.. I swear he is too much fun!! 

On Tuesday we woke up way too early and decided to head to Reno! Tristen told us he missed his buddy Cash! 
So we met up with the Cash man family at their house and chilled for a while.They had a cable crisis.. But as always while we were there we had many photo opt's !!

After we took a million picture's we headed to Chevy's.While the food was great.. It was really bad service..But oh well at least we were in good company! O and CAsh had his first lemon- I tried to load the video ... IT wasnt diggin it!! damnit!! 
Anywhooo from there we went to walk off the goodness and strolled around meadow wood mall. Always fun to do,never shit to buy..  But Auntie Lisa got the boys matching hats !!! 
AWWWW..They were the main attraction everywhere!!They are just too cute for words!! And I know they will be best buds !! Its always so much fun seeing them!  I love it! 

Today,  Wednesday Tristen and I headed up to Tahoe. We had to take care of some Bank crap and took advantage of being up there and had luch with Dad and G'ma.. It was cute to see Rich show us off all over his work.. He's such a proudDad and hubby. As am I mom and Wife.. yeah life is good!!
 O and our Halloween project got put out tonight!! whooo hoo! 

Saturday, October 4, 2008

New New New

This week was all about being the new girl again.. I can't even begin to tell you how many schools I went to growing up.For the most part there was always someone ready and willing to be your friend(usually the girl who had no friends) but this soooooooooo brought me back to those days.  On Tuesday Tristen got up SUPER early and after going through our morning routine I finally pushed myself to make a change. I had heard of this Toddler Time thing this place does 6 days a week from 9:30-11:30. So I packed us in the car and gave myself no time to think about it or find a reason not to go. Tristen fell asleep on the way there of course, so when I pulled into the parking lot I sat there for about 5 minutes fighting my reservations. Screw it, I'am here, If I dont go now I'll never go. We go inside and there is 1 mom and one 2 year old girl. There was sooo  much stuff for him to play with so I let Tristen go for it.Meanwhile the other mom made light conversation,"How old is he"?"He's so cute"," Don't worry others will be here soon" .. bla bla bla.. Soon more mommy's and babies began to pile in. I want to say about 5 mom's total and 7 kids ranging in age .. mostly all older.. Long story short- It was like high school. Very Clicky. The 3 moms stuck together talking loudly about how much money they had just spent.(GROSS). The one mom I thought would be the snob ended up being the nice one... That the other girls didn't talk to and the one I thought looked close to my age and on the cool side was TOO COOL for anyone.. I only stayed a hour but made the excuse that I planned leave in a hour.. Not that I think anyone cared!But I think Tristen had fun with the toys and watching the other children but I on the other hand.. DON'T think I'll be making friends there.. But with winter coming and us not being able to go for walks, Im sure I'll make the effort to try again.. For his sake not mine!Wednesday started with me randomly going through Tristens clothes and hardly finding anything that fits.. He has like, jeans and oneies but NO  Jammies..He has 2 pairs that are warm and fit.. He refuses to sleep with blankets too, So he has to have the super warm ones with feet ones.. So off to find Jammies! and this is how we spend our Wednesday.. lol. He now has 2 new jammies that are 3 sizes too big! but at least hes warm! 
 Thursday Miss Mercy and Keenan came to visit.Rich had some extra tires for her car and, as always saved the day..Thanks hunny!! We once again shared some laughs and foods.. They got to watch the many wonders of Tristen..
He found one of those musical birthday cards.. and dance like no other when he opens it's and the song SO the best....  "She's a Brick House.."!  Funniest shit ever.. But he was really up and down with his mood. He would cry every time Mercy put her hat Then he was more than ecstatic to see her dog but freaked out when the dog "talked"lol.. I think he's going through major teeth stuff right now.. but who knows.
 Speaking of dogs our friend Kevin ( He was Rich's best man) got a pup of his our since he moved out to Florida and has been on the lonely side.. He took his new lil pup to the vet only to find his hips were all inverted and needed thousands of dollars in surgery = ( 
or the dog wouldn't be able to walk once he reached a certain weight. The vet said he would do it Pro-bono but he wanted to 
keep the dog.. So sad.. I feel so bad for Kevin talk about High - Lo. 
Anyhow a couple weeks back a girl contacted me on myspace saying she just moved to Tahoe and had no mommy friends.She has a son 3 weeks younger than Tristen.I told her I don't live there anymore but if your ever this way!? Not expecting
 anything after than conversation she said she was coming to Carson in 2 days if I wanted to meet up.. Sure. Right? Couldnt be bad. We were meeting at wal-mart all else fails.. Im at wal-mart. So Friday comes and....We ended up walking around forever! Eating lunch at Chilli's and venturing off the the Halloween store!!  All and all I MADE A MOMMY FRIEND!! And Tristen has a new buddy named Tyler.. 

I am really happy about that considering my first attempt at making mommy friends! 
Today I spent the day pulling out Halloween stuff and playing alot with Tristen he was in a wonderful mood.Thee absoulte best part of today was I'am pretty sush he finally relized HE can make his momma laugh. I had put a wig on him and of course it made me crack up but then he pulls it off, looks at me and tries to put it on again.. and again.. Totally cracking me up.. Then later out of nowhere he learns this I can drink my juice with no hands trick! 
  SO funny you have to watch! 
                   MY HANDSOME DEVIL!!!