Thursday, November 20, 2008

Grown up's

Busy busy busy ..and I love love love it... Alright let's go back..Think... think.....hmm It's been like 2 weeks already GAEE WHIZ.. Time flies..Ok I got it.. We had a fabulous dinner with the Brito family at the oh so yummy San Marco's Grill (They own it)!! We met up with Nina Jess to finally met Em and baby Hollace!!The proud papa Marco and proud G'pa were also there.. It was really awesome to see everyone.. and Mr.Tristen fell in love with the baby.. He kept saying baby! And was VERY concerned when she cried even the smallest sound(..She was soooo beautiful too...) Aside from paying much attention to her he was quite the ham that night.. Doing all this tricks and walking everywhere.. He also got a  taste for REAL Mexican Nina let him taste her like Habano chicken and he bout turned 80 shades of red! Mean Nina!! Mean!! Lol But he took it like a champ- I don't know how, but he did. Aside from that -The next and SO fabulous day that comes to mind is OUR ANNIVERSARY!!! 11-11 We've been married 2 years.. The day started our great and lasted all day.. Firstoff Tristen slept in and Rich and I woke up and enjoyed a peaceful morning and exchanges cards.He got me lilys the night before and I woke up to roses. So funny, I ended up deciding to make his card but the card he got me was the one I had in the cart!! Isn't that crazy! After that we had some breakfast and then headed out while Nina watched Tristen.. Rich had no idea what we were doing cause I said I would plan this year.. Well fate stepped in and they just opened a Massage Envy in town.. After weeks of trying to find a massage place that wouldn't charge a arm and a leg.. It was great it cost about what it was for one somewhere else! AND we were able to get done in the same room at the same time.. No Where else I called could do this.. So yeah it was glorious yellow!  After we went for a quick lunch and cocktail.. Then came home had a Delicious dinner and a yummy cake I made ! Whatelse.. We've been doing alot of X-mas shopping and Birthday planning. I am so excited for the lil projects I got going on!! . I took Tristen to feed the ducks last week. Then we all went as a family a few days later because he really really loved it and daddy had to see how cute it was..  Another reason aside from getting out and getting some fresh air, was he just seemed to be ULTRA fussy this week. . Waking up more than usual and we all know he already wakes up a ton, He was crying at the drop of a hat and just anything would set him off. So not knowing what the heck else to do I ran out of options and took him to the Dr. finally. I mean when a kid cries at the park you know somethings wrong RIGHT?!?! So the Dr. checked him all out . I thought teething maybe or ears.. But nothing .. Not even teeth = (  She said if he kept up to bring him back for a pee test. But since we left he has been better all around.. Isn't that weird?!?!!? Other odds and ends news.. We ran into Auntie Kathy at Wal-mart! She is going to be 70 soon!! Wow that's a big one and i think she still looks great! So you go girl!! We love you and it was awesome seeing you!! We also got to see mom and Pure Country for a brief visit and got a couple cute pictures! We became grown ups this week and got a dining table! Daddy worked his spray paint magic and it looks GaRATE! And lastly, Yesterday Tristen got a bug boy haircut and took some 1st birthday pictures!He did pretty good I have to say but we did cheat and gave him a sucker.. but I thought for a minute she was cut his ear off if he didn't chill so. give and take.. I'll give a sucker for a   And just one more picture cause mom had fun playing with the camera! 

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Now and Later

For as long as I can remember Halloween has been one of my favorite Holidays EVER! I used to think all year long about what I was going to be or random ideas that just make me laugh.. Whale...These last 2 years have been far different from those years before!! And it's quite alright! I just cant wait for next year.. and the year after and year after that and so on....because my goal is to one day have that house! The one you tell people "O man you got to drive by so and so, It's SOOO cool"! I want to be able to come up with costumes for Tristen where he will be the ONLY one to wear it! And well if he just wants to be Spiderman.. Then he will be the BEST Spiderman EVER!!! O yes.. It will happen.. Anywho...On to our Halloween adventures! On Tuesday we did a family pumpkin carving night with the Gomez' family.(That would be my fabulous In-laws) and it was awesome time! Everyone was super excited and doing their best to have the coooooooooooolest pumpkin.. O course Rich had the coolest cause he so good at that kind of crap! lol. Aside from pumpkin carving we had the joy of watching Masen and Tristen chasing each other.. First time then were REALLY able to interact to the fullest!!Pretty much the cutest thing ever!!!Good family fun!!Doesn't Tristen look horrified!!LOL
O and I wanted to also mention earlier that day i got to visit with my good friend Amber Zo! It was great to see her and we spent some time catchin up at the beach! I'm Proud of you Amber and how far you've come!
You Go girl!! Tristen has a blast playing in the sand and checkin out the birds.. Who in my opinion kept getting way too close! 


Our Teddy Bear!
Yes another costume! 
I had to add the teddy bear picture cause I LOVE it.. His girlfriend Lily Let him borrow this for the cold days and well I had fun running around town the day before Halloween Just hearing the giggles and laughs from others!

On Halloween itself Tristen and Cash were Yoda and Darth Vader! They pretty much wore there costumes for a hour as us parents struggled to get some good pictures! But the kids played and played .. and did NOT want to go to sleep! I think Tristen loves having the Cash-Fam visit as much as I do! 
They are so the bestest buddies and I love it!!! 
I had a great Halloween and i think everyone else did! We also got to hang out with my side of the family and then Aunite Alena hung out for few days.. YEAY! I want to Thank G'ma Reesa again for all the goodies you got for Tristen!! Thank you Thank you We love ya!! Whatelse... Ummm we Obama WON !! I think its great!!! I could go on and on but to sum it up.. It was NOT that long ago there was the black white segregation.. And if you said 40 years ago one day we will have a black president no one would have believed it and BAM here we are!! I think it's pretty exciting!You know whatelse is exciting my Anniversary to marrying the most wonderful husband ever is in 6 days!!! Then his birthday is 12 days later THEN 32 days is Tristens  1 Birthday!!!
Whale I cant think of much else..  So love you all and Thanks for reading!! I love that I  know few people read all the time, then all the sudden i run into someone (Jen E.) and they tell me oh yeah I read your blog!! ITS AWESOME !! So thank you!!