Friday, December 19, 2008

Tristen is a whole year old!!!

The day started with the whole"What we're we doing right now at this time last year"?!?!  It's been the most amazing - special- indescribable year of my life and I wouldn't trade it for the world!! On Friday everyone started to filter in early morning starting with Nino and Jason.  Then later on in the evening Chris and Aimee came. So already a mini party was happening..We are fortunate to happy family drive a billion miles just to see our lil man turn 1 !!Saturday started on full speed .. And people started to show up starting at 11 and the party was AWESOME!! Lots of people, presents and LOVE!!He loved his cake and dove in face first- He had a mini baby party in his ball pit(from The Gomez's)(Get better Allie)  He, however was more interested in the balloons more than anything!!!I would love to go on and on about all his great gifts and all the lil details but I don't think that I could even begin with that. It was just plain perfect and THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for all the great gifts and coming to celebrate.. It wasn't just a celebration of him being a year but its been a honor to be a mother for the last year.. He was such a good boy the whole day -We had to be the proudest parent on earth that day- Well everyday really!!!  !! He had a lil meltdown before everything but that was all .. I felt like he was showing off and felt like he knew that the days way about him.. and he HAD to be "Big"LOL... Sadly everyone had to go home = ( We will miss you all = (
On Wednesday We met up with the Cash Fam and took Santa pictures.. We went back to the same Santa we took Tristen to last year when he was only 2 days old..He IS the real Santa- I Believe! It was so cute! So special.. As for what I talked about last week, His heart appointment went great.. He's no better but not worse..Surgery could still be in the future but not showing signs now so that's good. And he truly has THEE best cardiologist a parent could hope for..  As for G'ma's Santa land it was in the paper last friday,it was a beautiful article and I couldn't be more grateful to see the joy in G'ma's eyes to share her collection with the world..She is soooo cute -I love you Santa Lady!!  So Happy Holidays to all!! Next POST - CHRISTMAS!! ..P.s. Dad I love you and Miss you a ton- Don't be hard on yourself for not being able to be here  or get us the best gifts Having you IN my life is gift enough!!! K!!! And Mom I'm proud of you for pulling through your surgery HAng in there feel better and know we love you !!! 
 Tristen with Santa this year and last year


Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

the party was PERFECT and Tristen was a BIG BOY all day! i am just sad we couldn't stay longer!

i can't believe that Tristen didn't loose his marbles seeing he really a kid? he is breaking the kid code and might get kicked out of the club. *just shows what a good job you are doin!*

i lub you and cant wait to see you again! *muah*

Unknown said...

I believe that you have found the real santa! Pretty authentic looking to me! Sorry again that I couldn't be there to partake in the festivities, damn the 2700miles between us! I am sure it was a blast!

Love you all!

JohnnyBlaze™ said...

I am SOOOO Happy That I was there, and SOOOO sad, I cant be there for Christmas!!! ;( I had a great time,a nd I Miss Lil Man to the Moom & stars and back a million times!!!! You two aren't so bad either!!